Nail Your Shakespeare Monologue

Getting started with Shakespeare? Let’s do this right.

Oh heyyyy, actor!

If you’re feeling ambivalent (*ahem* filled with dread) about preparing a Shakespeare monologue for the first time, I’ve got your back. You can stop tearing your hair out now. Just scroll down a wee bit and you’ll see what I’ve got for you.

My gift to you.

As a coach, when I meet with students the first time, they’re usually freaking out a bit about their Shakespeare monologue. I mean, they play it cool, but I can tell that inside they’re like… “What do I doooooo, oh please help me Sarah, for the love all things theatre” 😩

On the other hand, some actors think they have a pretty good idea of what they need to do. But the truth is, there are usually a few steps of the process that they’ve missed.

Let’s be real. Shakespeare is a little bit complex. That’s why I love it - and I promise you, you’ll grow to love it too. Shakespeare teaches us to be good actors by up-levelling our technique. And it’s not as hard as you might expect.

This guide gives you a bunch of quick wins so you can feel good about what you’re doing. It’ll give you some insight into the big picture, so you can feel that peace that comes with clarity. And it’ll show you where you’ve got to go.

I know wherever you’re at, you want to move forward.

Shakespeare shouldn’t hold you back. Let’s do this.

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